• Individual Therapy

    Utilizing relational and compassion focused therapy, individual sessions focus on helping clients understand and respect the unique ways in which their brain functions. Working from a place of empathy and validation, Stephanie works with clients to help them meet their individual goals often working toward increased self-awareness, developing coping strategies and skills that are tailored to a client’s individual neurology while empowering clients to advocate for accommodations to make navigating everyday life easier.

  • Parent Therapy

    Stephanie agrees with Dr. Ross Greene and believes children do well if they can. If children are not doing well, there is a barrier that we, as the caregivers, need to provide the support for the child around. Stephanie provides parenting therapy from a strength based, neuro-affirming lens creating a supportive and empowering space for parents to embrace and celebrate their child’s individual brain profile while equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and resources to nurture their child’s growth and well-being. Stephanie provides psychoeducation on the neurological profile of the child, assists with fostering a positive and supportive parent-child relationship and helps promote empathy and develop effective communication while exploring effective strategies for home, school, and outside environments that are respectful and affirming to the child. Parenting therapy can also be a space to address common challenges faced by neurodivergent families such as navigating school systems, advocating for accommodations, and managing sensory sensitivities.